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Operationalising ethics in AI


Just like any other function within a business, adoption and use of AI involves risk management. Unlike many other functions,…

Published 20 Mar 2024

Meet us at AI UK


Meet us at the AI UK conference on 19 and 20 March 2024 to hear more about the Innovate UK…

19 March 2024 09:00 – 20 March 2024 17:00

Connected Ecosystems March Meetup


Join Digital Catapult, the UK authority on advanced digital technology, for our fifth Connected Ecosystems event. We’ll hear from great…

26 March 2024 18:00 – 20:30

Connected Ecosystems February Meetup


Join Digital Catapult, the UK authority on advanced digital technology, for our fourth Connected Ecosystems event. We’ll hear from great…

27 February 2024 18:00 – 20:30