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Enabling investors to engage with our curated ecosystem.


We help the investment community connect with early-stage high-growth companies that are generally sector agnostic but often focused on the software applications of deep-tech.

Investors can add unique early-stage curated deal-flow to their pipelines, increase their exposure to our innovator ecosystem and enhance their visibility within the startup community through profile-building activities.

We collaborate with investors in a number of ways:

We selectively introduce early-stage high-growth companies to investors in our network, carefully matching for strategic fit, quality and alignment to investment thesis.

Opportunities to refer portfolio companies to our no-fee, no-equity accelerator programmes.

Exposure to our cohorts during our programmes, such as participating in mentorship, running sessions and attending demo-days.

Insight reports that summarise and analyse the activities of the businesses participating in our programmes, and provide valuable contextual information on the investment landscape and market and technology trends.

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