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Meet us at the UK Telecoms Innovation Ecosystem Conference

Date: 30 May 2024 09:30 - 17:00

Register by: Friday 10 May 2024

Event overview

Innovation and adoption is an integral to the telecoms sector and the UK economy, given strategic challenges and opportunities including net zero, cyber security, AI, digital inclusion, market maturity and beyond.

Recognising this, a year ago, Digital Catapult was proud to become a lead and founding partner in the UK Telecoms Innovation Network (UKTIN), which acts as a ‘front-door’ and convener to engage the ecosystem to accelerate the development and commercialisation of key innovations. Since then, UKTIN has engaged hundreds of people, supported businesses throughout the UK, published strategy papers, and convened 20 working groups covering a broad range of subject areas.

On Thursday, 30th May 2024 at the IET Savoy, UKTIN be hosting the inaugural UK Telecoms Innovation Ecosystem Conference to provide a unique opportunity for peers to:

  • Hear from and network with senior industry, Government and academic leaders responsible for telecoms innovation & growth;
  • Find out about the latest innovation ecosystem developments facilitated through UKTIN;
  • Get involved in shaping the future priorities;
  • Engage and network with colleagues covering a wide range of concerns all the way from R&D to applications.

The agenda for the day will start with keynote speeches from industry leaders and Government, before a brief overview of the main developments and their implications through the UKTIN ecosystem. There is an exciting plenary line up, with the following confirmed presentations from:

  • Sarah Connolly, Director, Digital Infrastructure, DSIT – The view from Government on prospects for UK Telecoms and key policy objectives. 
  • Gabriela Styf Sjöman, Managing Director, Research and Networks Strategy, BT – A view from Industry on telecom opportunities and challenges.  
  • David Richardson, Partner Researcher, Microsoft Azure Cloud Networking Engineering – Emerging Fiber Technologies for Future Optical Networks – groundbreaking UK research transitioning into deployment.  

During the afternoon,  participants can join a number of breakouts, including sessions on R&D and future capabilities which will be led by our Digital Catapult team. The event will close with a reception, providing the opportunity to thank everyone for their involvement in UKTIN and their continued dedication to furthering the telecoms ecosystem in the UK.

There are a limited number of spaces left – if you are interested and part of the telecoms ecosystem, please register your interest in attending the conference by visiting the UKTIN website.


IET London

Savoy Place, London WC2R 0B