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Five Createch Companies to Watch…


In light of the call for more interest and investment in ‘createch’, Digital Catapult has compiled a list of the…

Published 26 Apr 2023

10 deep tech startups to watch in the UK


Climate tech leaders, cutting-edge AI startups, companies exploiting the latest metaverse trends and those solving critical industrial challenges.

Published 17 Apr 2023

Here’s what you missed at SXSW…


In March Digital Catapult was at SXSW’s UK House to bring Northern Ireland’s world-leading immersive sector to centre stage.

Published 30 Mar 2023

Meet us at SXSW 2023


Meet us at SXSW where the world’s top creative and tech talent experience and share new ideas about the future of the creative…

10 March 2023 09:00 – 19 March 2023 20:00