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Growing with Blockchain – From disruptive potential to operational reality

Posted 18 Jun 2020

Digital Catapult’s Dr Rob Learney, Head of Technology – Distributed Systems, contributes to new title from Novaro on how blockchain is creating the digital trust to transform performance.

Growing with blockchain explores how to turn the disruptive potential of blockchain into operational reality. As a technology, blockchain is widely recognised for its ingenuity. Following lockdown, its use has accelerated in creating digital trust among networks of remote users. Relations between customers, suppliers, partners and funders are now taking a new course that opens up a series of possibilities for growth in raising finance, engaging customers, streamlining supply, using smart wallets and cutting costs.

This book draws on the knowledge and experience of 18 top-level blockchain performers, including Digital Catapult, Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering, IBM, Dell and CMS, to bring a wide audience up to speed with the options and actions for building and growing a business with blockchain.

Digital Catapult’s Dr Rob Learney has authored the following two chapters:

  • Blockchain and the invention of trust: In this chapter Rob reports on why blockchain represents such a radical development in computer science and on how the trust machines it creates are being deployed.
  • Plugging into the blockchain economy: Rob discusses how the blockchain economy is taking shape and how to access its ecosystem

Title: Growing with blockchain: from innovative potential to operational reality
Consultant Editor: Kevin R Smith
ISBN: 978-1-838067 4-0-3
Format: Paperback, 176 pages, 216mm x 140mm
Published: June 2020 by Novaro Publishing

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