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Search Results for "energy"


Case study

Through its participation in Things Connected, Nymbly successfully pivoted its business. The company unlocked untapped potential to develop a highly…


Case study

BIOS combines neural engineering with machine learning to crack the code of the human nervous system. Its neural interface platform…

Research and Academia


Digital Catapult connects academics and researchers with large businesses and our innovator community to increase the impact of research and…

Dstl Pit Stop: Intelligent Ship


How can AI and automation assist the Royal Navy in achieving mission success? The Dstl project, Intelligent Ship, is working…

Open date: 27 Nov 2018 Close date: 14 Dec 2018



We help the investment community connect with early-stage high-growth companies that are generally sector agnostic but often focused on the…

Innovation and acceleration


...the Hydrogen Innovation Initiative and the deployment of hydrogen technologies to address pressing energy and environmental… Hydrogen Sensor Accelerator Programme…