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Social responsibility

Working together we have the tremendous potential to create products and services to make positive change in the world.


Social responsibility means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It considers environmental, social and economic dimensions, recognising that all must be considered together to find lasting prosperity and well-being of individuals and societies.

Digital Catapult has tremendous potential to create products and services to make positive change in the world and are already doing so with Net Zero, EU Green Deal, 5PRING initiatives and the Made Smarter Accelerator.

2020-2021 was a challenging year across the whole economy, and Digital Catapult also felt the impact on our plans, which were rapidly adapted to align with the evolving context. We immediately moved to support companies through the pandemic period, providing essential market intelligence to inform Government strategy and delivery routes to support company survival.

As sustainability and net zero gain traction, particularly in our manufacturing work, we have adapted our projects as our strategy evolves to support the recovery; developing cross technology approaches to industrial challenges to help companies across our key sectors of focus to achieve greater resilience, sustainability, inclusion and a competitive edge through adoption of advanced digital technologies.