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Meet us at Open RAN Global Forum 2023 (Virtual event)

Date: 19 September 2023 14:00 - 20:45

Event overview

In the fifth edition of this event, we seek to discuss the progress of Open RAN and the crucial role of the RIC. We will examine the continually evolving ecosystem of players from hardware and software players, right down to the silicon level. We will also discuss the latest on commercial deployments, security, and the continuing debate regarding interoperability and parity of performance.

The main topics discussed during this event will be around:

  • Gain insights from carriers regarding Open RAN deployments

  • Get to grips with future network architectures and the necessary shift in network operating models and culture

  • Examine governments’ roadmaps for the deployment and standardisation of Open RAN

  • Discover the opportunities brought by Near-Real-Time RIC

  • Find out the role Open RAN plays in telco sustainability and energy efficiency

  • Explore the development and evolution of the Open RAN ecosystem


Register now to take part in this dynamic forum on September 19th.

Hear from us

As part of the agenda, our colleague Amrit Heer, Strategy for Innovation at Digital Catapult and part of the SONIC Labs team, will take part in a panel discussion around ‘Tackling key integration and interoperability hurdles – how do we reduce cost and complexity?’

This panel, starting at 4:05 pm for 50 minutes, will be looking at:

  • Revisiting parity of performance, operational performance requirements and KPIs
  • Interoperability hurdles explained
  • Accountability and the ever increasing important role of the SI
  • What needs to be done to ensure a coordinated approach while maintaining focus on SLAs and quality of service?
  • Lab tests and trial findings to date
  • Certification progress and and OTIC updates
  • Testing evolution, challenges and findings to date:
    – International test requirements
    – Interface testing
    – Stress testing on individual components
    – End to end testing
    – Exploring the role of CI/CD
    – Real world performance testing and validation
    – The role of automation and SMO

You can find more details on the full agenda for the day here.