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Tenfold Open Call – FAQs

Tenfold Open Call – FAQs

Tenfold Open Call – FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Industry Challenges?  

The Industry Challenges are:

  • Dale Farm: How can the application of IoT enable more accurate measuring and use of feed at a farm-level across Dale Farm’s co-operative, including farms of different technology maturity, contributing to improved economic and sustainability outcomes?
  • AgriSearch: What new data visualisation tools can help drive behaviour change amongst farmers towards improved organic manure application (nutrient management), leading to positive economic and environmental outcomes across Northern Ireland farms?
  • Encirc: How can improved bottle inspection technologies increase successful defect detection within dark glass containers, reducing the need to conduct rework and associated energy consumption and cost?

How many Challenges can I apply to?

Whilst you can apply for more than one Challenge, making a separate application, you can ultimately be successful for a maximum of one. 

What will be the involvement of the Industry Challenge Owners in the Programme? What is DAERA’s Involvement? 

During the programme, Industry Challenge Owners will work alongside the successful applicant for their challenge  – ensuring access to the relevant individuals, data and sites as required. DAERA are involved at a distance, actively interested in the development of the Proof of Concepts (PoCs) as per their Innovation Strategy. 

Why is the focus of the programme NetZero? 

The DAERA Innovation Strategy was published in April 2021 to support the development of an innovation ecosystem which helps deliver for Northern Ireland’s environment, societal well-being and rural economy in line with NI Executive’s Green Growth Agenda.

The programme aims to help in the delivery of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reductions as required under climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022, which came into effect in June 2022, and so contribute to the UK government’s target of Net Zero by 2050. 

Is the programme open to companies from across the UK?

Yes, the Tenfold NetZero Accelerator Programme is open to any  UK-registered business as long as they are able to travel to Northern Ireland for occasional meetings / demonstrations as well meeting other minimum requirements of the programme (see FAQ: “What are the Selection Criteria? How does Digital Catapult choose successful applicants”)

What is a Proof of Concept? What’s expected to be produced?

Over the course of the 12-week programme, the expectation is the delivery of a Proof of Concept (a ”PoC”). A Proof of Concept involves a small exercise to test the real-world potential of an incomplete idea –  this isn’t about delivering the idea, but demonstrating whether it is feasible. 

This doesn’t rule out a Prototype or Pilot being taken forward following the commencement of the programme; a prototype being a visible, tangible or functional manifestation of the idea and a pilot being the first stage of a new service roll-out. 

What is Cascade Funding? How will the £20K be distributed across the programme? 

Cascade Funding is a funding-mechanism whereby £20K of funding shall be distributed equally across the 12-week programme in accordance to meeting certain milestones. Those milestones are:

1st Milestone (a third): Selected as the successful applicant for one of the three ICO challenges. 

2nd Milestone (a third): On track to successfully deliver the PoC at Programme Mid-Point. 

3rd Milestone (a third): Successful demonstration of the PoC a the Showcase Event, hosted in Northern Ireland, around October 2024. 

Who owns the Intellectual Property (IP) of the PoC? 

We understand concerns about Intellectual Property of the Proof of Concept. The IP of the PoC remains fully owned by the Technology Solution Provider. For the Showcase, the Industry Sponsor will be granted an instance of the Tech Solution for showcase use, on an “as is” and “unsupported basis” only. 

What are the selection criteria? How will Digital Catapult choose the successful applicants? 

There are 5 criteria which applicants will be assessed:

  1. Problem and Challenge: The applicant should demonstrate that their company is addressing a clear problem as well as applying advanced digital technologies to tackle the selected challenges.
  2. Growth Potential: The company should be capable of identifying their upside potential as well as how they stand out compared to competitors in the market.
  3. Technical and Business Capability: The company should be able to articulate its revenue model as well as a robust plan for PoC development.
  4. Team Experience: The company and its employees should have the necessary expertise and skill to consistently develop, deliver their solution.
  5. Sustainability & Responsibility: The company should be able to define how their PoC development aligns with the principles of sustainability and responsible innovation.

Minimum requirements to participate in the programme are:

  • Applicants must be a UK based registered company, or prove they are a company that has an establishment in the UK, and undertake all activity in the UK, with the capacity of travelling to Northern Ireland for occasional meetings / demonstrations.
  • Applicants must have a UK business bank account for any payments to be made.
  • Applicants must be eligible to receive the amount in State Assistance  (described in the FAQ – “what is the minimum financial assistance implications for participating in the programme)
  • Using an advanced Digital Technology that Digital Catapult works with:
    • AI
    • ML
    • 5G
    • DLT
    • Quantum, etc.
    • IoT (inc. photonics)
    • Immersive

What’s the application process and onboarding stages?

From an initial application form, Digital Catapult will undertake an initial assessment of the applicants against the programme requirements & selection criteria. Shortlisted applicants may be invited to interviews with the Industry Challenge Owners to enable ranking of Shortlisted Applicants based on the Applicants and Interviews. A final selection per Challenge is then made. 

Successful applicants will then be notified and provided with a standard Programme Agreement for Review. These contracts are standard and non-negotiable. We do try and ensure these contracts are fair and reasonable. Invitation to programme kick-off with the Industry Challenge Owners late-June will then follow provisionally on the completion of this agreement. 

Will you be able to provide feedback on my application

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the return of feedback from an application due to the high volume of expected applications. Where possible, the return of feedback shall be aspired to however not guaranteed. 

What are the key dates to be aware of for the programme?

  1. Open Call – Applications Open – April 4th
  2. Programme Webinar – April 25th
  3. Open Call – Application Deadline –  May 12th
  4. Confirmation of Successful Applicants – Late May
  5. Programme Start Date –  Late June
  6. Programme End Date – Late October

Is Tenfold NetZero an in-person programme, or remote?

The Tenfold NetZero Accelerator Programme is delivered principally remote, to allow for participation from across the UK, via online calls and sessions –  however there is a requirement to present and demonstrate the complete PoC at the Showcase Event, hosted in Northern Ireland, around October 2024. 

What are the minimum financial assistance implications for participating in the Programme?

For participating, the maximum MFA per participant is £4,092.75 out of the £315,000 allowed for any three-year period (or €200,000 if the participant falls within the Northern Ireland Protocol). The final minimum financial assistance received shall be confirmed at the end of the programme. 

If I have questions, who is the point of contact at Digital Catapult?

Ben Attle, Innovation Delivery Manager ([email protected])

Bookable 1:1s (“surgeries”) may be made available post the informational webinar on April 25th