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Design to Deliver 

Design to Deliver – Informed choices for nature positive actions

Design to Deliver – Informed choices for nature positive actions

Terms and Conditions, October 2024

1.Can you submit multiple applications?

You are welcome to submit more than one application. However, please note that we will aim at selecting only one idea per SME. Different applications will have to be submitted as separate entries on the platform, and this is because each Catapult will review applications for their own relevant challenge. We encourage you to look through the application guidance document and ensure that you understand the requirements and resource commitments for the project. 2. How will SMEs be matched to Design Consultancies?

Each Catapult has selected two Design Consultancies who will work on each of the challenges. Each Design Consultancy will work with two SMEs each. The Catapults will match SMEs and Design Consultancies at the end of the selection process, based on which is best placed to support the SME’s specific development with design thinking.

3. What is the role of the Design Consultancies?

The main aim of the Design to Deliver programme is to bring designers and innovators together. The Design Consultants are expected to bring their design expertise and methodologies and help the SMEs go through a series of rapid ‘sprints’ and help them develop their existing service or product. The Design Consultancies will be tailoring their approach and methodologies to the specific SME’s requirements. They are also there to help SMEs validate their concepts and design a viable trial design.

4. What does the timeline from January to March 2025 look like?

At the beginning of the programme, a planning phase will be held involving SMEs, Design Consultants, Location Partners, and the relevant Catapult to create a clear plan of work and level of support required. From January to March, Design Consultants will guide
SMEs through three rapid “sprints” focused on refining their initial ideas using design thinking methodologies. During this time, SMEs will work on developing a trial design and assessing the feasibility and viability of their enhanced proposals in collaboration with their Location Partners and the relevant community. While the January to March phase will not include a live trial, participants may want to explore testing specific elements of their ideas. The final outputs will be to have an enhanced solution that can be trialled beyond Design to Deliver. We will inform programme participants if further funding becomes available to support this.

5. Is it possible to work beyond the Location Partner?

Programme participants are expected to collaborate closely with the designated Design to Deliver Location Partners. While you’re encouraged to gather data from other sources beyond these partners, we ask that you bring this additional information back to the Location Partners to ensure they are relevant to their communities. The benefit of working with Location Partners is that successful applicants gain access to real people and spaces, allowing you to test your ideas in a practical context and explore potential pathways for scaling them up.

6. How will the funding be allocated?

We will contract with the lead applicant (UK based) only. It is up to the lead applicant to then distribute the funding to any subcontractors. Please consult the Application Guidance document for further information. Please note that your budget allocation must not include any design consultancies or location partners costs. These are covered separately by the Catapults. The available £50,000 will be paid in two instalments. The first 50% will be paid in advance at the start of the programme, and the second 50% will be released at the end of the programme, upon receipt and acceptance of the agreed deliverables. If you are successful for this programme, you will be required to fill out relevant documentation and full instructions will be provided.

7. If you have an existing relationship or contract with a location partner,
does this affect your application?

No. All applications will be scored using the same assessment criteria.

8. What will the £50,000 grant spend be made up of?

Within your application, you will be asked to provide a finance breakdown. This is made
up of:

– Labour Costs;
– Consultancy Costs (this is for any sub-contractor costs you may want to involve
in the project);
– Material Costs;
– Equipment Costs;
– Laboratory / testing cost, and
– Other expense (this would also include travel and subsistence).