Thank you for your interest in holding an event at the Digital Catapult Centre.We are pleased that you are considering the Centre for your proposed event. The success of your event is very important to us, and our expert event team are eager to help make your event a success.
Digital Catapult is the UK’s leading advanced digital technology innovation Centre, accelerating early adoption of advanced digital technologies to make UK businesses more competitive and productive and grow the country’s economy.
Our mission is furthered by external companies and organisations hosting events in the Centre. However, it is key that the proposed event and the Organiser are aligned with the goals and mission of the Digital Catapult. Please note that our willingness to provide event space for an event does not imply a commercial endorsement.
Events layout
The auditorium has a capacity of 100 delegates in theatre style and 56 in a cabaret format.
The Centre can host events from 9am to 8.30pm. Hence, the registration and delegates arrivals shouldn’t start before 8.30am and organisers and delegates should start to leave the centre from 8.30pm. In the situation where the Organiser needs to change the timings, an email request should be sent to the Events Team and approved at least 4 weeks before the event.
Otherwise, the Events Office reserves the right to ask people to leave the centre according to the previously mentioned times.
Suitability criteria
Generally, events should be of a business nature which aligns with Catapult’s mission of advancing digital technologies in the manufacturing and/or creative sectors, for example conferences, workshops, seminars, networking receptions etc.
- The following types of events are not permitted at the Centre:
- Purely social events of a personal nature (e.g. weddings, birthdays, dinner);
- Public events
- Fund-raising events for non-Catapult organisations or groups;
- Events of a partisan, political or religious nature or designed to promote positions inconsistent with our mission.
- We only accept bookings of 30 people or more.
In addition, events that involve the following are not permitted:
- Display or promote commercial products during an event or sell articles while in the Centre
- Advance, promote, advocate or otherwise deal with policy and/or legislative initiatives other than those that are approved by the Catapult.
- Sell tickets to the event;
- Collect donations;
- Have a cash bar that sells alcohol;
- Hold raffles;
- That causes a nuisance to our neighbours (particularly noise levels);
- That is for an illegal or immoral purpose, or which is dangerous.
- Also, the Centre facilities shall not be made available to any organisation that practices or advocates discrimination based on age, sex, race, religion, conditions of disability or discrimination of any kind.
The Centre reserves the right to deny a request for any event for any reason.
Terms and conditions
1. Event booking
To book an Event, please contact [email protected], and a member of the team will contact you to discuss.
If the event is suitable (including suitability and availability), prior to a booking being confirmed, Catapult will prepare and issue a Function Sheet, which summarises the event information and terms.
Catapult will hold the event date for up to three weeks from initial enquiry, after which the date will automatically be released.
Holding a date in this way does not guarantee a booking until booking is confirmed by Catapult, and the Centre’s Events Office may release this hold for any reason.
2. Events confirmation
To book an event, the Function Sheet must be signed by the Organiser and returned to Catapult at [email protected] together with payment of the applicable deposit to the bank account specified.
Once Digital Catapult has received the deposit and signed Function Sheet, Digital Catapult will confirm acceptance of the booking by email. Digital Catapult reserves the right to decline the booking (and return any deposit already paid), up until the point it issues a confirmation of booking email.
3. Deposit
The deposit will be considered an advance payment on the Fee, and is non-refundable following confirmation of booking.
The deposit is:
- 25% of the Fee if paid at least eight weeks before the event; or
- 75% of the Fee if paid less than eight weeks before the event.
Despite the above, Catapult reserves the right to amend the deposit policy prior to booking being confirmed.
4. Event payment
The Fee is as agreed in the Function Sheet, and is payable two weeks before the event. If the Fee is not paid in full within one week of being notified that payment is due, or in any event prior to the day of the event, Catapult may issue a notice of cancellation, cancelling the event. Any deposit already paid is non- refundable.
5. Involvement of Digital Catapult
Once an event is confirmed, our policy requires that the Digital Catapult Centre will be an integral partner in all phases of the planning process. In addition, as a condition of booking, we require the Organiser to arrange an opening slot in the events’ agenda so that a Digital Catapult team member makes, at least, the welcome speech, and in the best scenario, act as a key speaker (to be agreed between the parties). Senior representatives of the Catapult can usually be made available to speak to delegates about the work and mission of the Catapult (given sufficient notice).
Regarding the organization and the logistics around the event, the Events Office stays the main resource for assistance. The designated Events Manager has final approval over all aspects of the event and will work directly with a single point of contact within the Organiser. In the situation where the main contact isn’t the final client, the Organiser will be asked to introduce the final client to the designated Events Manager the day of the event, before the opening of the event.
6. Centre representation
For events at the Digital Catapult Centre, at least one member of the Centre Team will be onsite for the duration of the event and a Security officer if the event happens during the hours from 5pm to 9pm.
The Organiser is asked to attend the entire event until its last guest leaves the Centre. Otherwise, the Events Office or the Security Officer reserves the right to ask people to leave the centre.
7. Registration
In the situation where Digital Catapult does not collect attendance information directly, the Organiser must share a guest list with the Events Office ([email protected]) at least one full working day before the event. Digital Catapult will only use the personal data in relation to the event, and will delete any personal data within one year of the event, unless otherwise authorised by the data subject (e.g. guest signs up to Catapult’s mailing list).
8. Marketing and Press
All printed and web-based materials related to the event to be circulated outside of the Organiser’s company must be approved by the Digital Catapult’s Marketing Department ([email protected]). This includes save-the-date notices, invitation copy, printed programs, website notices, and press releases.
The names and logos of the Centre and the Catapult must be used within the framework of its brand guidelines and shall not be used on any document without prior approval by the designated Events Manager.
8a. All press kits, other literature, gifts or mementos of the event which the Organiser intends to distribute must be approved a month in advance by the Centre.
8b. Any video or film that the Organiser intends to show during the event must be submitted to the Centre 2 weeks in advance for approval and must carry guarantees of relevant copyright / licensing permissions. Otherwise, the Events and/or the Marketing Departments reserve the right to not display the video.
8c. Arrangements for press and/or broadcast media coverage of an event must be handled in conjunction with, and approved by, the Centre 2 weeks before the event. Otherwise, the Events and/or the Marketing Departments reserve the right to not display the video.
9. Filming, audio recording or photography
Filming, audio recording or photography may take place during the normal operations of the Centre at the time of the event, and delegates or events may be indirectly documented. Wherever possible direct consent will be collected. The Centre reserves the right to use collected materials however it chooses within compliance of the law. Organisers are required to collect permission from the Events Office and all participants, directly or indirectly, should they wish to document through filming, audio recording or photography within the Centre.
10. Catering
Should catering be required, catering services may only be provided by one of the Digital Catapult’s approved caterers or using external caterers only through approval by the Events Office. This list is available on request.
The menu and number of delegates must be confirmed at least 1 week before the event.
After this time, the Centre reserves the right to order for a certain amount of people, to change caterers or accept replacement menu items on behalf of the organiser should it be necessary for any reason.
11. Dignitaries
If official government or diplomatic dignitaries are attending an event, the Centre reserves the right to determine the appropriate protocol for greeting and handling of these guests while at the Centre. The Events Department should be notified at least 1 week prior the event if dignitaries are expected to attend the event.
12. Health, safety and security
The Digital Catapult shall provide at least one Fire Warden and one Health & Safety officer onsite at all times during events, to enable the safety of delegates and adherence to the Centre’s fire, health and safety regulations at all times. This provision may incur additional costs for the Organiser, which shall be outlined on the pro-forma Function Sheet (if applicable). Catapult uses CCTV on its premises for the security purposes, and stores and uses information in accordance with its privacy policy (
13. Risks and hazards
Depending upon the nature of activities at the event, you may be required to submit a risk assessment to the Catapult and demonstrate to the Catapult’s reasonable satisfaction that adequate measures are in place. Given that the Centre is on level 9, access is by elevators from ground level and access for bulky/unusual-shaped items is limited. The Events Office must be notified in advance if any materials, items or machinery are to be brought onto the site for assembly and the Event Manager’s approval is required at least 3 weeks before the event.
14. Indemnity
The Organiser shall indemnify the Digital Catapult, its agents and employees, against any and all damages, claims, or other liability due to personal injury or death, damage to the Centre, or damage or loss of the property of others, arising out of its use of the Centre.
15. Storage and removal
No equipment or items may be stored by the Centre before or after an event unless express consent is given by the designated Events Coordinator. Items left in the Centre without prior agreement may be removed and destroyed without notice. Additional charges may be made to remove such items.
16. Persons on-site
The Events Department must be provided with a list of all delegations expected on-site for Health & Safety reasons, including their full name and relevant contact information at least 1 day before the event.
The Events Office reserves the right to remove any person or persons deemed to be acting against the goals and missions of the Digital Catapult, intoxicated or behaving inappropriately.
17. Personal belongings
The Events Office takes no responsibility for any personal belongings in the Centre during events. All efforts are taken to ensure the safety of personal objects; however, no guarantees can be made. This includes objects or coats left at reception, in the cloakroom or within the events space.
18. The Auditorium
Please note that food is not permitted in the Auditorium. Drinks are tolerated in the auditorium in so far as that the delegates respect the venue and that the Events Team does not consider the state of the auditorium as being in danger. Otherwise, the Centre reserves the right to ask the people attending to keep their drinks outside of the auditorium. Any spillages or accidents requiring additional cleaning to the premises, will be charged to the Organiser.
Additional audiovisual service charges may apply.
Capacity for each event is outlined in the Function Sheet and above in this document and cannot be exceeded.
For your information a fire alarm is planned every Monday at 12pm.
19. Alcohol
The Catapult does not have a premise licence to sell alcoholic beverages and any Organiser intending to serve alcohol must produce proof of compliance with the licensing laws. All serving needs must be coordinated with the Events Office prior to the event. “Bring your own bottle” events are not permitted unless approved in advance.
20. Waste
All waste related to the event must be removed from the premises immediately following the event. This includes all decorations, such as flowers or balloons, and all supplies like cups, paper, pens, etc. Costs will be incurred by the Organiser for waste disposal.
21. Food waste and service times
All food service will not exceed 2 hours per course to ensure maximum food safety, after such time food will be removed at Catapult’s discretion. Catapult may keep some food out longer. Drinks service will not exceed two services of 45 minutes, these may be taken together or separately as required.
22. Deliveries
All vendor deliveries for events must be coordinated through the Events Department prior to the event date. All equipment, decorations, etc., for an event must be delivered the day of the event and removed immediately after the event. There is no storage space available for early deliveries or late collection unless agreed in advance with the Centre.
23. Force majeure, cancelled events, rescheduled events and refunds
23a. If at any time during the term of the Agreement a cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of the parties thereto (including but not limited to disaster, act of God, government regulations, war, terrorism or threats of terrorism, civil disorder, labour disputes, strikes, curtailment of transportation facilities, unusually severe weather conditions, fire or casualty, mechanical difficulty, or any other emergency), make it illegal, impossible, or inadvisable by formal advice of a senior government official (e.g. declaration of a state of emergency) for the Organiser to conduct the event at the Centre or for the majority of guests to attend the event, the event may be postponed without penalty. If an event must be cancelled, the event may be rescheduled for a mutually convenient date.
23b. The failure of either party to perform any of its covenants or agreements shall not be deemed to be a breach or violation of the terms of the Agreement if such failure is due to a cause or causes described in this section.
23c. Deposits made to the Centre to secure dates for an event are not refundable. Contributions or charges paid to the Centre are also non-refundable.
24. How long do we keep your (personal) data for?
When you make a booking:
Booking information that you provide directly to the venue is held for 18 months from the end date of the booking. However, if you ever opt in to receive direct marketing, this period is extended to five years from your last communication with us.
The data will be collected and kept the first year in order to measure and track the efficiency of the event and the value for Digital Catapult to host the event again in the future. The following year the only purpose to reuse this archived information is in order to facilitate the organisation of a similar event approximately 1 year after the first one.
All delegates’ personal data will be deleted within one year of the event, unless you send written notice for its earlier deletion. Digital Catapult shall only use this personal data to administer the event.
Any requests concerning data protection rights, such as right of deletion, should be made to [email protected].