Collaborate with The Alan Turing Institute as a Startup Challenge Owner
Open date: Monday 25 February 2019 Close date: Thursday 27 May 2021
As part of the Data Study Group, Startup Challenge owners will work collaboratively with a pool of 50+ academic specialists and The Alan Turing Institute.
The intensive five-day collaborative event brings together industry, government, and the third sector, with talented multi-disciplinary academic researchers to delve deeper into and quickly prototype possible solutions to your data science challenges.
A team of doctoral students, early career researchers, and post-docs from across a broad range of disciplines will work collaboratively together to tackle your specific challenge. The group is further supported by a facilitator to help the team fulfil their potential and ensure everybody is engaged.
As a wrap up to the challenge, your team will present their findings and you will subsequently be sent a report detailing approaches explored and possible further avenues to investigate, along with any code generated. The reports and code (with embargoes or minor redactions if necessary to protect any commercial or other sensitivities) will later be published on the Institute’s website, enabling researchers to evidence their participation.
Many organisations who propose a challenge for a Data Study Group continue to engage with the Institute and with the participants directly. This direct participation often takes the form of collaborating on an academic paper or conference submission, deeper investigation of results and recommendations from the Data Study Group, or even recruiting participants into the organisation.
Who should apply?
Startups who have a data science challenge and would like to tackle these real-world problems together with small groups of highly talented, carefully selected researchers.
Why should you get involved?
The collaboration between Digital Catapult’s Machine Intelligence Garage programme and the Alan Turing Institute provides an opportunity for a limited number of startup companies to participate as a Data Study Group Challenge Owner.
The Data Study Groups is a unique opportunity for early stage AI companies to work closely with academia, industry, and other innovators.
Follow on support through the programme is available to build on the insights and outputs of the Data Study Group, turning ideas into proof of concepts and to find and work with suitable partners.
A little more info
Successful applicants will need be able to share the necessary datasets with the Institute, which should ideally be clean datasets ready for analysis
The report and any code generated will be published on the Alan Turing Institute website (subject to anonymisation or limited redaction, to protect data and processes if necessary)
This is not a consultancy type engagement. The Data Study Group Challenge Owner sets the challenge but will not direct the challenge itself. The representative present for the week can greatly help the challenge team by providing background knowledge and support.
Below are the challenge areas for the Alan Turing Institute. If your challenge aims to do any of the following it will increase your chance of success:
- Revolutionise healthcare
- Deliver safer, smarter engineering
- Manage security in an insecure world
- Shine a light on the economy
- Make machine decisions fair, transparent, and ethical
- Design computers for the next generation of algorithms
- Supercharge research in science and humanities
- Foster government innovation
This initiative is part of Digital Catapult’s Machine Intelligence Garage programme, commissioned as part of CAP-AI project, which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The programme objective is to help AI and machine learning businesses gain access to the technical expertise, computation power, knowledge and innovation they need to succeed, grow and realise the UK’s economic potential in this area. The project will enable AI start-ups and scale-ups to take part in innovation activities, working closely with industry, academia and other AI businesses.
This initiative is part of Digital Catapult’s Machine Intelligence Garage programme, commissioned as part of CAP-AI project, which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.