ViiV Pit Stop: designing ideal care pathways for stable HIV Patients
Date: 19 January 2017 09:00 - 20 January 2017 17:00
The ViiV Pit Stop will focus on identifying possible near future models of care for stable HIV positive people in the UK. Over the course of one and a half days, experts, innovators and key stakeholders in the HIV care space will collaborate to develop ideal scenarios and models for solutions that look a few years into the future.
With advances in treatment, HIV has changed from being a life-threatening disease to a manageable long-term condition. People with HIV can now lead long and healthy lives. However, living longer with HIV presents new challenges and it seems likely that the current care pathways will need to evolve to cater for a growing, ageing cohort of people with HIV. Indeed one in six people accessing care for HIV are now aged over 55 years old.
Other dynamics may also influence how HIV care evolves for people with HIV. Firstly, there is likely to be funding pressure on all healthcare services in the NHS, including HIV. Secondly, the increased adoption of digital technologies may offer opportunities to redesigning care pathways. Bricks-and-mortar healthcare provision may no longer be an absolute requirement for the care of virally stable people.
Who should attend?
We want to generate informed and stakeholder-based solutions to future HIV care. To enable the collaborative development of such solutions, we welcome participation from people living with HIV, providers (specialists, GPs and other healthcare professionals), payors, policymakers and academics, as well as technologists, entrepreneurs and innovative companies, who can help enable potential solutions.
We are particularly interested in innovative companies with services and products in Electronic Personalised Medical Records, Wearables, Data Analytics and Behavioural Science Modification, as well as VR, AI, and other solutions that can effectively address the challenge. The Pit Stop will focus particularly on service design and care pathways, so experience in these areas will be beneficial.
If you are a healthcare professional, provider, patient or patient representative, please register your interest here.
If you are an innovator or expert interested in attending, please apply by clicking the link below and we will be in touch shortly.
Deadline: Wednesday 23rd November, 2016.
Pit Stop Dates
Thursday 19th January, 2017: 5.30pm until 9pm
Friday 20th January, 2017: 9am until 5.30pm
Digital Catapult Centre, 101 Euston Road, London, NW1 2RA
Why should you attend?
A combination of clinical, political and demographic changes means the model of HIV care for stable, treated individuals in the UK is likely to evolve. To ensure that such evolution develops in a person-centric, clinically appropriate and cost-effective way, this Pit Stop provides a means for HIV stakeholder and technology innovators to co-create this future and highlight what future best practice could look like.
All participants will be welcome to take any of the learnings from the Pit Stop to inform their work. ViiV will also consider collaborating with interested stakeholders via the hive, ViiV’s innovation unit, to test and further co-develop any of the suggested solutions.
Agenda overview
Thursday 19th Jan 5:30pm-9:00pm – Registration, introductions, followed by key note talks to set scene, then socialising
Friday 20th Jan 9:00am-17:30pm – A series of context talks, team formation and workshops, ending with teams presenting ideas
About ViiV
ViiV Healthcare is a global pharmaceutical company focused on HIV. Founded in 2009 the company is a joint venture between GSK, Pfizer and Shionogi and headquartered in London. Our interest in HIV extends beyond medicines and into the broader HIV community. We seek out and build new connections to help strengthen education, to support services, to help build local healthcare capacity and capabilities, and to reduce stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV/AIDS.