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Training the next workforce: exploring virtual training to prepare for the ‘new normal’

Date: 9 July 2020 16:00 - 17:30

Immersive technologies can contribute to behavioural change and enable better decision making. By integrating immersive platforms and machine learning it is possible to create repeatable, scalable, bespoke and responsive simulations for procedural, safety and soft skills training. Join Digital Catapult at its in-depth virtual masterclass exploring and demonstrating the value of immersive technology for training.

Coronavirus-imposed restrictions and social-distancing measures have made face-to-face training difficult, as a result we have seen a surge in real-world examples of industry using immersive technologies to bridge the gap. From the NHS rapidly upskilling its workforce using mixed reality technology-enabled training with trials resulting in 80% less PPE being utilised, to Rolls-Royce introducing a virtual reality maintenance training programme for its customers. Walmart’s new equipment rollout procedural VR training programme resulted in a 96% reduction in training time from 8 hours to 15 minutes. CornerstoneVR showed local authorities they could save up to £190,000 per year if they adopted the VR Trauma Awareness Service programme for social workers, teachers and adoptive parents.

The tools to deliver immersive, distanced training, already exist in VR and AR technology. However, that does not always make it easy to take the plunge and risk the launch of a project that uses this advanced digital technology. Digital Catapult supports businesses through the adoption process to help them train staff in these ‘new normal’ times.

There is increased interest in immersive content to revolutionise training across a wide range of industry sectors all whilst minimising contact. Benefits and cost savings for industry include:

  • The ability for immersive technology to transport people into situations where they are more deeply engaged
  • Increased retention of what is learned
  • Replication of expensive and dangerous scenarios
  • Enabling skills transfer
  • Reaching remote workers
  • Improved soft skills, for example recognising bias

Why attend

This masterclass is designed to provide deeper understanding into the value of delivering training using immersive technologies like virtual, augmented and mixed reality. The session includes guidance on how to approach commissioning it and successfully implementing it within the workplace, among other aspects including:

  • When to consider immersive training
  • Minimising risk when commissioning new immersive training content
  • Spotting the right training scenarios to move to VR/AR delivery (e.g. health and safety)
  • How to enable successful adoption of immersive in training
  • Measuring the ROI and impact of immersive training and case studies
  • The importance of design – creating content that sticks with employees
  • Hear real case studies from QinetiQ and to further understand the value created through immersive training

Who should attend

This masterclass invites individuals working within utilities, energy, telco, automotive/agriculture, food manufacturing and supply chains, or maintenance, repair and operations to receive an extensive exploration into the use of immersive technology in training.


  • Emily Savage, Immersive Product Lead, Digital Catapult
  • Aki Järvinen, Senior Immersive Experience Designer, Digital Catapult
  • Dr. Helen Dudfield, Chief Scientist for Training, QinetiQ
  • James Watson, CMO, Immerse
  • Sam Watts – Immersive Partnerships Director, Make Real Ltd
  • Mark Poole – Learning Design Manager, Lloyds Banking Group
  • Craig Piper – Learning Delivery Manager, Lloyds Banking Group

Next steps

To join this masterclass, please register interest below.