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RAGtime - Retrieval Augmented Generation in Practice

RAGtime – Retrieval Augmented Generation in Practice

Date: 28 March 2024 09:00 - 17:00

Register by: Wednesday 27 March 2024

About This Event

In partnership with i.AI and the AI UK Fringe 2024, Digital Catapult is pleased to be hosting RAGtime, a one-day conference for those applying Retrieval Augmented Generation in their products. i.AI is the Cabinet Office’s Incubator for Artificial Intelligence, whose mission is to harness the opportunity of AI to improve lives, generate efficiency savings and deliver better public services.

Who Should Attend?

This is a technical conference, created in collaboration with the GDS cross-government RAG community, with an emphasis on real-world applications.

The audience will primarily be software engineers and data scientists who are using RAG to deliver end-user applications, but all with an interest in RAG applications are welcome to attend this in-person conference.

Why Attend?

  • Share and learn best practices in RAG from across the public and private sector
  • Meet data scientists, software engineers and product owners working on world-class RAG application


09:30 – Registration & welcome coffee

10:00 – Welcome speech

Robert Smith, Director of Technology – AI and Data Science at Digital Catapult

10:10 – RAGTime: Moving from Naive LLM pilots to Advanced Value Generation

Robert Smith, Director of Technology – AI and Data Science at Digital Catapult

10:30 – Redbox: Vectors, Keyword and Hybrid

Liam Wilkinson, Head of Applied AI, Incubator for AI

11:00 – Unveiling Hidden Knowledge: the role of RAG in automating data interpretation processes

Magda Woods, Founder, Flare Data

11:30 – Coffee Break

11:45 – Building better LLM products with evaluations

Henry Scott-Green, CEO, Context AI

12.15 – Ensuring Trust in RAG-based solutions

Sahil Grover, data science consultant, Capgemini Invitent

12:45 – Lunch

13:30 – Building Private Enterprise RAG Applications: A guide

Rod Rivera, AI Product Engineer, TitanML

14:00 – Evaluating trust and usefulness of AI tools

Edward Flahavan, Director, Behavioural Insights Team

14:30 – Coffee Break

14:50 – Unconference

17:00 – Event Ends