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Quantum Discovery Workshop

Date: 12 November 2020 09:30 - 13:00

In this workshop Digital Catapult and the Bristol Quantum Technology Innovation Centre will bring together experts and stakeholders from across the quantum technology ecosystem to discover and explore the opportunities the technology provides for industry.

Taking place on 12 November this online session will be an interactive workshop with supporting talks from technology experts and innovators working with quantum computing technologies. The workshop will bring together the technology community as we discuss applications and the roadmap to adoption.

Who should attend?

This event has been designed to be suitable for:

  • Representatives from large businesses who have already started or will be starting to explore quantum technologies, ideally in a technical role
  • Representatives from quantum startup organisations who can provide practical and technical insights
  • Representative of national organisations driving the quantum computing adoption

Why attend

Designed for technology experts already working in or exploring quantum computing technologies the event will provide:

  • A better understanding into the key industry use cases for applications
  • An opportunity to learn about the current ecosystem, including facilities, programmes and initiatives in support of the technologies adoption
  • Interactive discussions about how it can apply to organisations and what to consider to adopt this technology


09:30 Welcome and objectives for today
Christian Mastrodonato, Digital Catapult and Mustafa Rampuri, University of Bristol

09:45 Scene setting – an intro to current developments
Speakers include:
Professor Noah Linden, University of Bristol
Professor Reza Nejabati, University of Bristol

10:15 Lightning talk from early movers in this technology
Paolo Bianco, Airbus
Ashley Montanaro, Phasecraft

10.45 The current ecosystem
Overview of the key players in the ecosystem and how can businesses start their journey in quantum.
Speaker from NQCC
Caterina Vigliar QCS Hub

11:15 Comfort break

11:30 Industry use case ideation
Introduction to key industry use cases followed by a high level discussion in groups.

12:15 Road to adoption
Overview of key considerations for large businesses looking to adopt this technology and high level roadmaps for exploration.

12:45 Wrap up
Feedback from each group on highlights of their discussion.

13:00 Close

How to attend

Due to the nature of this event attendance is by application only – please complete the form below and we’ll review your registration of interest shortly.