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Meet us at: Createch 2019

Date: 11 June 2019 09:00 - 18:30

During London Tech Week Digital Catapult will be taking part in this year’s Createch 2019, the world’s leading conference for the technology and creative sectors.

Createch 2019 explores the global ecosystem of businesses blending creativity and technology to create new products, services and experiences.

The event will take place on Tuesday 11 June during London Tech Week. You’ll be able to hear from Createch innovators, industry experts and thought leaders from 40 organisations including Facebook, DCMS, Digital Catapult, Imagination and BBC Studios.

Why Digital Catapult is attending

Digital Catapult aims to future-proof the UK’s creative industries by connecting them with future audiences, to maintain their global position in creating authentic experiences which are both popular and trusted, through the adoption of advanced digital technologies.

Digital Catapult will be at Createch 2019 chairing two panel discussions:

  • Createch and collaboration – chaired by Dr Jeremy Silver, CEO, Digital Catapult
  • Connecting with future audiences – Alyssa Bonic, Head of Creative Industries, Digital Catapult

To book your ticket for Createch 2019, click here.