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Machine Intelligence Garage – AI for Visual Arts & Media Cohort Webinar

Date: 22 October 2020 15:30 - 16:30

AI is set to drastically revolutionise the creative sector within the next 10 years, by supporting visual arts and media startups that are focused on content creation, production, design, consumption and diffusion Machine Intelligence Garage will further aid this adoption into the marketplace.

In response to the opportunity to help grow the UK’s artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystem and the creative industries, Machine Intelligence Garage will run its next cohort with a focus on startups applying their artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology solutions for visual arts and media.

With the cohort now open for applications, the Machine Intelligence Garage team will host a webinar for startups to gain a more in-depth understanding of the programme’s offer and format, the upcoming cohort, as well as the selection process and criteria. In addition, participating startups will find out more about the tailored programme activities aimed at accelerating their growth and will have an opportunity to ask the team key questions before applying to join.

Machine Intelligence Garage provides startups with well defined business models and technical capability with the frameworks and expertise to accelerate the responsible and ethical development and application of AI across industry.

  • To learn about the programme, please visit our website.
  • Apply for the ‘AI in Visual Arts and Media’ cohort here.


  • 15:30 Machine Intelligence Garage: Programme Overview
  • 15:40 ‘AI in Virtual Arts and Media’ Cohort
  • 15:50 Machine Intelligence Garage: Selection Process
  • 16:05 Q&A Session & Next Steps
  • 16:30 Close

Who Should Attend

AI and ML startups interested in the Machine Intelligence Garage programme and working across (but not exclusively) the following industries:

  • Film, online streaming and television
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Video content for corporate or general education
  • Content curation and archive mining
  • Visual concept or performance art using AI
  • Content in games, movies, engineering and design