Intelligent Energy Infrastructure Forum: The benefits of greater intelligence
Date: 5 October 2021 12:30 - 13:30
Join Digital Catapult and leaders from across the energy infrastructure system for our online forum “Intelligent Energy Infrastructure Forum: The benefits of greater intelligence” on Tuesday 05 October.
With the transition to Net Zero, energy networks are facing challenges in their digitalisation journey to more autonomous and whole system intelligent network operations.
Electricity networks are facing increasing complexity from the proliferation of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and the electrification of heat and transport.
For gas, the transition to blended gases and hydrogen, and the increased telemetry control required, is driving the need for further infrastructure intelligence. Transitioning away from legacy systems and processes, to advanced telecoms and digital platforms, also offers gas networks significant gains in operational efficiency – but this comes with its own deployment challenges.
We invite you to attend our event on Intelligent Energy Network Infrastructure where we will share expertise, best practice and insights from leaders in the energy sector on how advanced digital innovation can address these challenges.
During the forum, we will discuss:
- How advanced digital technologies can address the operational priorities of energy networks during their digitalisation journey
- Where advanced technologies fit and how they are applied
- How the challenges of the proliferation of DERs, low-carbon technologies can be addressed?
- What operational challenges gas networks transitioning to hydrogen can be addressed with advanced digital technologies
- What is the opportunity for collaboration across gas and electricity networks in their digitalisation journey
- Lessons learned from the current journey towards autonomous energy networks
Why attend
Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss in an online forum setting with experts from Digital Catapult and industry guests:
- Advanced digital technologies that can help address the challenges of energy network transformation
- The benefits and challenges of automating and digitalising network management
- Lessons learnt from real-world deployments
Who should attend?
The event will be of interest to CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, COOs, Heads of Innovation, Technology, Operations, Smart Grid, and Operational Directors within the energy sector. Those who would benefit from an open and candid discussion on the use of advanced digital technologies such as AI and Machine Learning, 5G, Industrial IoT, and AR/VR applications to accelerate the digitalisation of energy network operations.
14.00 – Welcome and purpose of the event
- Niko Louvranos , Commercial Lead – 5G, AI, Blockchain, Digital Catapult
14:05 – Managing the energy network through advanced digital technologies
- Chairing: Niko Louvranos , Commercial Lead – 5G, AI, Blockchain, Digital Catapult
- David Richardson, Head of Innovation for Energy Systems, UKRI
- Corinna Jones, Innovation Manager, National Grid Gas Transmission
- Tom Notman, Director for Net Zero Delivery, Cadent
- John Richardson, Head of Innovation and Repex Transformation, SGN
- Lynne McDonald, Programme Manager – Distribution System Operator (DSO) Readiness, UK Power Networks
- Dan Clarke, Head of Innovation, Energy Networks Association (ENA)
- Dr. Catherine Edwards, Senior Project Engineer, Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN)
- Iain Miller, Head of Innovation, Northern Powergrid
15:05 – Q&A from the audience
15:25 – Closing remarks
- Niko Louvranos, Commercial Lead – 5G, AI, Blockchain, Digital Catapult
15:30 – Forum ends
A key takeaway from the forum is that advanced digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, 5G networks and IoT, are powerful tools that can accelerate the energy sector’s journey to its Net Zero goal by 2050. However, the sector needs to take a whole-systems approach, working holistically across the public and private sectors to achieve this.