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How can Supply Chains best adapt & what might this mean for the future of the workforce?

Date: 20 March 2024 09:00 - 11:30


Sign up for our workshop on Wednesday 20th March 2024 for a presentation, case-study review and interactive session, co-hosted alongside Deloitte.

About this event

Supply chain issues continue to be at the forefront of challenges faced by businesses as they continue to grapple with macroeconomic headwinds and seek effective digital solutions to streamline operations.

The session will cover a highly-requested topic, discussing the trends in the sustainability & scope 3 areas, and the implications modern organisations and the workforce face as a result of the rapidly changing landscape. The impact of the new regulatory environment reverberates throughout all functions of the company, so the lab will aim to cover how supply chains can best adapt and what it means for the future of the workforce.

The 2.5 hour online webinar will be divided into three main areas: a presentation, case studies and an interactive session.

Who should attend?

The event will be of interest to supply chain and technology directors from a range of industries such as consumer, TMT, energy, resources and industrials, life sciences and healthcare and public sector.


9:00-9:15 Introduction & objectives

 9:15-9:35 Perspectives on latest trends and context on Scope 3 regulatory environment

9:35-9:50 Survey – challenges and priorities

9:50–10:20 Deep dive topics:

  • Scope 3: Exploring the importance of the extended supply network emissions and what it means for the Future Supply Chains

10:20-10:30 Coffee Break

10:30-11:00 Future of Work: Understanding the implications of

  • Scope 3 and Future of Supply Chain on work, workforce and workplace

11:00-11:20 Interactive Activity – Survey Reflections and Breakout Rooms

11:20-11:30 Wrap up / Next steps


Why should you attend?

The workshop aims to raise awareness about the potential of industrial digital technologies, outline a fit-for-purpose digital transformation road map and identify the required skills to support this journey.

Places at this event will be limited.