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Cyber 101 Deep Dive: Innovation Strategy

Date: 7 February 2019 09:00 - 17:00

This Cyber 101 Deep Dive session is designed to help cyber security companies better understand and apply a strategic approach to innovation and growth.

No matter the size or age of the business, the growth plans will often include a desire to make improvements and enhancements. In other words, there will always be an appetite to innovate.

The current level of hype around innovation encourages businesses to dive into creativity and ideation and to use different innovation tactics. However, innovation can be easier and more sustainable, but, only when it falls within a structured framework – innovation strategy.

Why attend

The Cyber 101 delivery partner Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) will lead a full-day workshop outlining the value of strategic approaches to innovation and new product development, specifically targeted and tailored for cyber security teams. It will also provide some tips and techniques to help understand, define, and deliver against the innovation strategy.

Throughout the day we will cover:

  • Strategic innovation and product development
  • Driving and sustaining innovation and product development
  • Creativity tactics – avoid finding the same solution to the same problem every time
  • Selling tactics – breaking into enterprise

Who should attend

We are looking for cyber security startups and scaleups who are willing to understand and apply a strategic approach to innovation. Two attendees from each company may participate in the event.

Next steps

Graduates of the Cyber 101: Business Skills Bootcamps are automatically accepted to the Deep Dive and places are allocated to them on a first come first served basis.

A number of places, however, are reserved for startups and scaleups new to the Cyber 101 programme. If you are interested in attending this event, please register below before 4 February.

Find out more about the Cyber 101 programme here.