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Connected Ecosystems Festive Meetup

Date: 14 December 2023 18:00 - 20:30

Register by: Thursday 14 December 2023

About This Event

Join Digital Catapult, the UK authority on advanced digital technology, for our second Connected Ecosystems event. We’ll hear from three great speakers who are making IoT a reality in the UK and there will be plenty of time for networking over pizza and drinks as well as visits to our Labs.

At this event, innovators will share inspiring stories of how they are leveraging IoT technology to build creative solutions across industries. Hear real-world examples of how sensors and devices are being used to improve lives, such as monitoring living standards in council homes. Hear how we can now tap into smartphone capabilities for greatly improved accuracy in indoor and outdoor navigation without reliance on mobile signals or infrastructure. Discover how Ultra-Wideband technology is enabling exceptionally precise indoor positioning.

This event gives a platform to trailblazing companies using IoT to drive transformation. Gain insights from their experiences in developing smart IoT products, from ideation to real-world implementation. Whether just starting out or looking to grow, these presentations will motivate you with tangible examples of overcoming obstacles to turn IoT visions into reality.

What to Expect

This event consists of three talks and demos from different speakers followed by a 25 minute discussion, where you will have the opportunity to ask your questions about the technology and what the opportunities for your business are and how to best get started with IoT.

Participants from all backgrounds, ages and interests are welcome.

To register for this event you will need to create a free MeetUp account.


18.00 – Arrivals, Networking, Pizza, Drinks and Opening Remarks
Ramona Marfievici, Digital Catapult

18.30 – “Using IoT to Monitor Council Homes Living Standards”
Richard Gonzalez, Sensor IT

18.45 – “Waymap: An Accurate & Inclusive Smart City Navigation App”
Usman Raza, Waymap

19.00 – “Connecting the Physical and Digital worlds. The Power of RTLS 4.0”
Andrew Scheer and Catherine Wilkinson, Pathfindr

19.15 – Panel Discussion With Audience Q&A

19.40 – Drinks, Networking and Lab Visits

20.30 – End


Digital Catapult

Digital Catapult, 101 Euston Road, London, NW1 2RA