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Canada-United Kingdom symposium on practical AI ethics

Date: 11 March 2019 17:30 - 21:00

How do we bridge the gap between the ‘what’ of Responsible AI and the ‘how’?

There are a lot of AI ethics guidelines, but most lack comprehensive tools or processes for implementation, and those resources that do exist may still be at a research stage, or difficult to identify or access.

Following a successful event hosted by NRC in Ottawa which mapped out the landscape of supply and demand of ethical AI tools, at this event in London we will be joined by leading experts from both countries to give an overview of our discovery and discuss what is needed, and who should participate, to bridge the gap between the ‘what‘ of responsible AI and the ‘how‘.

Who should attend

This symposium seeks to bring together and foster collaboration among various parties involved in establishing responsible and sustainable artificial intelligence (AI) in Canada and the United Kingdom. This includes, but is not limited to researchers, policy makers, funding agencies, startups and scaleups, educational institutions, and law enforcement.


Please note:

By registering for this event attendees and registrants agree that my submitted information may be shared with our co-organiser, National Research Council Canada, together with any contributions made at the event and during any subsequent feedback. Registrants agree that the co-organisers may use my submitted personal information to contact me in relation to the event and my contributions. Registrants also agree that each co-organiser may use my contributions for, without limitation, creating and publishing a summary report on the outputs of the event, but no contribution will be personally attributed in the report without consent.