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Building a route to market for new cyber security technologies

Date: 14 March 2018 08:30 - 15:00

C3ISP is a collaborative R&D project set up to facilitate the design and validation of a confidential information sharing, analysis and protection framework for cyber security management.

The project is designed to enable fast and accurate detection of cyber-attacks and share security data in a flexible and controllable manner inside a collaborative multi-domain. At the same time, C3ISP aims to preserve the confidentiality of shared information.

Digital Catapult is running a workshop to investigate, validate and optimise the initial exploitation of the below three core capabilities in the marketplace. We hope to develop beneficial product and service offerings in this domain based on technologies of the project.

C3ISP capabilities:

  1. The Data Sharing Agreement (DSA): allows the specification of a fine-grained access control policy that can be interpreted by a computer in near real-time.
  2. The Exchange Engine: enables auditable sharing of sensitive information in accordance with the DSA.
  3. The Analytics Package: leverages a combination of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) in the context of visualisation to allow state-of-the-art shared security analytics.

Benefits of C3ISP:

  • Enables the fast and accurate detection of cyber-attacks.
  • Facilitates early communication of IT vulnerabilities and best practices to avoid exploitation.
  • Provides flexibility ensured by DSA, which allows using the framework in multi-stakeholder environments.
  • Delivers data analysis compliant with customer policies as dictated by privacy or business needs.

Who should apply for the workshop?

In order to build routes to market for this new technology, Digital Catapult is looking for organisations including, but not limited to:

  • Providers of security products and services who could leverage C3ISP to improve their security or privacy capabilities, including enterprises and startups.
  • Businesses who seek to improve cyber threat intelligence, data protection or asset and network security.
  • Public bodies such as the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), Standard Bodies and Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT).
  • Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Cloud Service Providers and other Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) companies.

We are specifically inviting application from those with both a technical and a business background.

Why you should get involved?

BT, SAP, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and other consortium partners are interested in identifying partners to mutually explore commercial opportunities to exploit this technology. That means you can help future proof next generation cyber security capabilities, particularly for confidential information sharing, analysis and protection and also become an early stage adopter.

Attend the workshop and you can learn about state-of-the-art cyber security tools and techniques – ‘Shared Security Analytics’, as well as meet representatives from industry and academia to identify potential projects of common interest.

Please note registration for this workshop is via application – please visit our Open Call below.