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ADViCE Launch Event [Online]

Date: 14 December 2023 09:30 - 11:30


The UK has set high expectations to become the home for net zero interventions and innovation, as well as the place for responsible artificial intelligence (AI) innovation and adoption. Together, these goals can work in tandem, enabling new AI products and services that can support high carbon emitting sectors to decarbonise.

Artificial Intelligence Innovation for Decarbonisation’s Virtual Centre of Excellence (ADViCE) is an essential intervention to accelerate the development of innovative AI technologies for decarbonisation applications, through the facilitation of collaboration and knowledge sharing between key stakeholders.

This event marks the launch of ADViCE with the publication of two reports that will map the ecosystem of stakeholders and define the challenges faced within high carbon emitting sectors.

Registration for this event is for online participation only.

Why attend?

Online attendee’s will:

  • Be the first to hear report findings and insights before wider publication
  • Learn more about the opportunities to get involved as part of the ADViCE programme
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how collaboration across the AI for decarbonisation ecosystem can support achieving ambitious net zero targets

Who should attend?

The virtual centre of excellence will foster a vital ecosystem to promote the adoption and diffusion of AI decarbonisation applications. Sectors of particular focus are:

  • Agriculture
  • Built Environment
  • Energy
  • Manufacturing

Active stakeholder participation across these sectors is essential and the programme is specifically designed to encourage collaboration and engagement from:

  • UK industry/companies (potential AI adopters)
  • AI developers and innovators
  • Investment community
  • Local government authorities
  • Regulatory authorities
  • Academia and research centres


09:30 – Welcome/Opening Remarks

Dr Jeremy Silver, CEO, Digital Catapult

9:40 – Government Keynote

10:00 – ADViCE Overview

David Pugh, Director of Sustainable Industry, Digital Catapult

10:20 – Report high level overviews from us and ESC

Victoria Williams, Senior Policy & Research Manager, Digital Catapult
Samuel Young, Practice Manager, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Energy Systems Catapult

10:40 – Panel focussed on collaboration to drive AI for decarbonisation

: Adam Sobey, Programme Director for Data-Centric Engineering, The Alan Turing Institute
Buffy Price, Co-founder and Interim CEO, Carbon Re
Rebecca Ward, Research Fellow in Data-centric Engineering, The Alan Turing Institute
Professor Chris Baker, Science Director, Intelligent Data Ecosystems, Rothamsted Research, UK.
Peter Dudfield, Head of Technology, Open Climate Fix

11:10 – Q&A

11:30 End