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5G Testbed Acceleration Programme showcase

Date: 9 May 2019 18:00 - 20:30

J oin Coast to Capital LEP, Digital Catapult, Wired Sussex and the University of Brighton for a 5G showcase evening: You’ll be one of the first to experience the next generation connectivity that 5G provides, demonstrated by real life use cases and solutions from the startups taking part in Digital Catapult’s 5G Testbed Acceleration Programme.

Digital Catapult’s 5G Testbed Accelerator Programme empowers startups to discover, develop and test 5G connectivity with access to the best of our 5G facilities and experts. The programme enables the cohort members to break down barriers to market and develop leading edge 5G enabled products and services.

The 5G Brighton testbed at the FuseBox provides small and medium sized businesses within the region with the opportunity to develop new products, services and experiences utilising this new and exciting technology.

Following participation in the programme including mentorship, support and access to the 5G Brighton testbed the first cohort will present on the night their latest innovations and demonstrate what they have learnt from being on the accelerator programme as well as their 5G Testbed demonstrations.

Agenda – Thursday 9th May (18.00 – 20.30)

  • 18.00 – 18.20: Arrival drinks and networking
  • 18.20 – 18.25: Welcome
  • 18.25 – 18.30: Digital Catapult introduction
  • 18.30 – 18.45: An overview of 5G and Digital Catapult 5G Testbed Accelerator Programme
  • 18.45 – 19.25: Cohort one panel + Q&A
  • 19.25 – 19.30: Closing remarks and showcase opens
  • 19.30 – 20.30: 5G showcase and networking