Rowena Ironside
Non Executive Director
Rowena is a founder and currently Non-Executive Director of Women on Boards UK, a purpose-led company providing the information, connections and encouragement to ensure more women are appointed to boards and senior leadership positions across all sectors. She has been a Non-Executive Director of the Digital Catapult since 2015 and is also Chair of the healthcare charity PSPA. Rowena spent 25 years in the ICT industry, starting her career writing software in Australia; building and selling an IT services business in London in the 1980’s and finally running several multi-national professional and managed services businesses in the software and hosting industries. After a year at London Business School completing the Sloan Masters (2002), Rowena’s ‘second career’ has focused on board, advisory and entrepreneurial roles in purpose-led organisations, including start-ups, universities, charities and the Cabinet Office. As well as a deep tech background, Rowena brings broad strategic expertise and global operations experience in the digital sector, along with a passion for entrepreneurship, innovation and diversity.