The House of Lords has urged Britain to take ethical advantage in AI
Posted 17 Apr 2018
In a recent report, The House of Lords has urged Britain to cement its position as a world leader in artificial intelligence by putting ethics at the heart of the sector’s development.
It maintains that the UK is in a strong position to be a world leader in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and that this position, coupled with the wider adoption of AI, could deliver a major boost to the economy for years to come. The House of Lords believes that best way to do this is to put ethics at the centre of AI’s development and use.
In response to the report, Jeremy Silver, CEO of Digital Catapult says, “Digital Catapult helps British AI start-ups succeed through its Machine Intelligence Garage programme. We are pleased to announce that we will be the first adopter of the five-point “AI Code” outlined in the report published today, “AI in the UK: ready, willing and able”. This presents a marked step in the right direction for the UK’s AI industry and the country’s prospects for economic growth in this area. Our analysis has found that the UK represents 50% of the AI start-ups in Europe, which puts it in a strong leadership position. To build on this, the UK needs to apply AI to specific innovation challenges in high-potential sectors. However, we can and should do much more to capitalise on AI’s potential in the global economy, specifically positioning the UK as the leader in responsible use of the technology. We are constantly reminded that business success is founded on trust. It’s vital that industry follows suit to promote sustainable and ethical AI.”
Read the report here.