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Data Innovation Symposium

Date: 15 July 2024 09:00 - 16:30

Event overview

The Data Innovation Symposium convened by the UK National Innovation Centre for Data and Digital Catapult will explore the emerging trends and new technologies that are driving economic and social transformation.

Collaboration in analysing existing applications of AI in UK industry, the priorities of the research community as well as public policy makers and regulators, will help develop a shared understanding of the opportunities and challenges for data innovation in the coming years. In partnership with Digital Catapult and National Innovation Centre for Data, the Symposium aims to bring together industry and institutions.

Who should attend

The event is designed to inform and co-appraise through shared insights and expertise with particular relevance to:

  • UK industry
  • Data Science practitioners
  • Local & National Government

Why attend

With panel discussions with leading experts, scheduled roundtable discussions and ample time for networking, the symposium will be an excellent opportunity to join others and contribute to the shaping of the discussion on AI and implications for increased adoption of responsible AI, regulation and public policy.


09:00 – Arrival and registrations

09:15 – Welcome and introduction to the day
Brian MacAulay, Principal Economist – Digital Catapult
Danny Dickinson, Head of Policy – Sunderland Software City & National Innovation Centre for Data

09:30 – Opening Plenary and introduction to the National Innovation Centre for Data
Professor Paul Watson, Director – National Innovation Centre for Data

09:50 – Fireside chat: Applying AI models in industry – what do businesses need and what next for the digital economy?
Maciej Misiura, Data Scientist – National Innovation Centre for Data
Danny Dickinson, Head of Policy – Sunderland Software City & National Innovation Centre for Data, Newcastle University

10:20 – Measuring the AI economy: an international perspective
Sergi Martorell Co-Founder & CEO –

10.45 – Break

11:00 – Panel discussion: What are the key challenges in creating effective regulations for AI to ensure both innovation and ethical use

  • Chair: Cecilia Nunn, Responsible AI Lead – Digital Catapult
  • Sylvie Hobden, Head of Public Attitudes Research – Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
  • Rob Smith, Director of AI and Data Science – Digital Catapult
  • Alex Schofield, Head of Projects and Operations – Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum

12:00 – Networking Lunch

13:00 – Where are we today? The Bridge AI and ADViCE programmes

  • Moderator: Jimmy Jarvis, Senior Policy, Research and Engagement Manager – Digital Catapult
  • Sara El-Hanfy, Head of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning – Innovate UK
  • David Pugh, Director of Sustainability – Digital Catapult

13:35 – AI Adoption at the Foundations
Professor Barry Hodgson, Director of Strategy – National Innovation Centre for Data
Ashmita Randhawa, Visiting Professor – Newcastle University and Director of R&D – Digital Catapult NETV

14:05 – Break

14:20 – Roundtable discussions: Data Innovation after 2025

15:00 – Feedback session

15:30 – Wrap-up and next steps
Brian MacAulay, Principal Economist – Digital Catapult
Danny Dickinson, Head of Policy – Sunderland Software City & National Innovation Centre for Data

15:45 – Immersive and Future Networks Labs tours

16:30 – End

Register your interest

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