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VRM Technology

Case study

VRM Technology has developed a building monitoring solution which integrates into a building’s existing management system to collect measurements (e.g.…


Case study

The RAF’s Rapid Capabilities Office programmes extend beyond equipment delivery to information analysis, ‘people and process’ improvements and enhancing front-line…

AltoNovus Ltd.

Case study

AltoNovus Ltd is a UK startup that develops end-to-end systems, from sensor devices to graphical user interface (GUI), providing actionable…


Case study

Sensinov is an innovative provider of open platforms for cloud IoT applications and devices.


Case study

KEREVAL is a French laboratory which focuses on software test engineering. Selected as part of a Digital Catapult Open Call…

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Case study

Digital Catapult works with Universitat Oberta de Catalunya to develop new LoRaWAN remote testing tool for IoT developers. This remote…